Host your web

Host your web

One click WordPress installation.

Weezhost makes creating a local WordPress site a total breeze, so you don’t have to bother with setting it up yourself. One-click and your sites are ready to go, SSL included!

One click WordPress installation.

Weezhost makes creating a local WordPress site a total breeze, so you don’t have to bother with setting it up yourself. One-click and your sites are ready to go, SSL included!

A collection of pre-launch tools

Ship your site with confidence thanks to tools like Weezhost’s broken link checker, image optimizer, instant reload features and other useful features.

A collection of pre-launch tools

Ship your site with confidence thanks to tools like Weezhost’s broken link checker, image optimizer, instant reload features and other useful features.

Advanced development features


Weezhost offers root SSH access, WP-CLI, and the ability to hot-swap PHP 5.6, PHP 7.3. So you can tinker around if your heart desires!

Advanced development features


Weezhost offers root SSH access, WP-CLI, and the ability to hot-swap PHP 5.6, PHP 7.3. So you can tinker around if your heart desires!

Live Links

Show off your latest work! Create URLs to send your local WordPress sites to clients, collaborators, friends, or adoring fans.

Live Links

Show off your latest work! Create URLs to send your local WordPress sites to clients, collaborators, friends, or adoring fans.

Local Connect

Push and pull sites with Weezhost to hosts like Bluehost or Godaddy for a super streamlined offline-editing and go-live process.

Local Connect

Push and pull sites with Weezhost to hosts like Bluehost or Godaddy for a super streamlined offline-editing and go-live process.

How to start?

Start by opening “Weezhost” and ensure that the site you want to export is running. Next, right-click on the site and select “Export.” Follow the prompts to save the website in a place that you can find it like the Desktop!

The zip file that is created contains everything you need for the site, including Media, Plugins, Themes, and export of the database! The export is the entire /wp-content folder and the database.